Saturday, May 19, 2012

Clear Cutting?

Greetings!  I was wondering if any of my fellow bloggers could tell if these pictures offer an example of clear cutting?  I must admit the pictures are not from WV, but from Ohio.  I was driving north on Route 7 in Gallia County when I came upon this site.  Lushes and green and then boom, nothing.  It looks like the area which goes way back over the hill has been carpet bombed.  Is this a common practice?  I suppose if you wanted a biologic which needed massive amounts of sunlight to grow in abundance this might be viable.  I just don't know.  If you have any ideas, post back.  I will try to get some more photos today.

1 comment:

  1. Hopefully, on our summer trip we can see examples of responsible forest management as well as instances where the environment has not been given as much care.
