Thursday, March 29, 2012


Greetings my friends!

This summer, I will be lucky enough to participate in a project in which myself and several other teachers from Cabell County Schools study the influences of railway transportation and forestry in the state of West Virginia.  This the first of several posts to my blog which will follow our group through the process.

Many of my friends from the project of last year have returned for a new adventure.  Yet, I would be remiss if I did not mention the addition of one Brian Mcneel to our group.  With the departure of Robert St. Clair, former chemistry teacher at Huntington High School, this old viking would have been on the prowl for new prey on which to play my many practical jokes. Fortunately, it did not take any time at all to realize how Brian would cleary be able to fill such an imperative role.

We have had three training sessions so far, with the intent of bringing us up to speed about the science behind timber harvesting in the state.  Moreover, one of our esteemed leaders, Steve Beckelheimer (the same hairy legged creature from last year), has spent much time explaining the biological perspectives of timber.

We have had two guest speakers so far.  Each gave us perspectives on railway transportation with link to Cabel County.  Tonight, we will be having class and an update will follow.  I just hope Brian Mcneel decides to finally comb his hair.
